Thinking about visiting Community?
We would love to have you join us as we worship God together. Here are some details about how our church gathers on Sunday so you can know what to expect.
What do we do in our worship service?
We believe God has called us to worship him through five biblical elements— preaching the Word, singing the Word, praying the Word, reading the Word, and seeing the Word in the ordinances of the Lord’s Supper and Baptism.
Using these elements, we shape our Sunday morning worship service around the theme of the gospel. Each service begins with a call to worship and a congregational response of adoration. As we adore God, it drives us to confession. When we confess our sins, Christ provides assurance of forgiveness. We then seek his face in intercession through prayer and respond with thanksgiving for all Christ has done. Having walked through the beautiful truths of the gospel, we prepare our hearts to receive the preaching of the Word and then respond to that Word in corporate worship.
We preach from the ESV, but you are welcome to bring whatever translation you use. Our focus is on corporate worship, so we sing hymns both modern and ancient that are easy for the congregation to sing and poetically crafted to teach rich truth about God.
What DO my kids do during the worship service?
We believe God loves children and desires for us to take every opportunity to point them to Jesus at their level. We also desire for parents of young children to be free to soak in the Word as much as possible. As children grow older, we seek to incorporate them into the worship of the gathered body at age-appropriate levels. With these goals in mind, we have a nursery for children up through age 3 that you can drop your kids off at before the service. We also have a children’s church class for children ages 4 years old through 2nd grade. The children are dismissed after the last congregational song in the worship service, and teachers take them to their class. They enjoy a time of singing, a Bible lesson, and an activity. You can pick them up after the service.
When are our services?
Adult Bible Fellowship & Children’s Sunday School–9:30 am
Sunday Worship Service–10:30 am
Sunday Evening Service—5:00 pm
Wednesday Prayer Meeting—7:00 pm
Our pastor hosts a Welcome to Community class during Adult Bible Fellowship. This class is a great opportunity to get to know the pastor personally and find out why we do what we do at Community. We hope you can make it!

©2023 Community Baptist Church. All Rights Reserved.
©2023 Community Baptist Church.
All Rights Reserved.
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Service Times
Adult Bible Fellowship & Children’s Sunday School–9:30 am
Sunday Worship Service–10:30 am
Sunday Evening Service—5:00 pm
Wednesday Prayer Meeting—7:00 pm
Service Times
Adult Bible Fellowship–9:30 am
Children’s Sunday School–9:30 am
Sunday Worship Service–10:30 am
Sunday Evening Service—5:00 pm
Wednesday Prayer Meeting—7:00 pm